[u-Link NT] - Freescale MPC850 - PLC

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[u-Link NT] - Freescale MPC850 - PLC

Post by neticien1 »


I'm currently trying to to dump flash, DRAM and EEPROM from a Sofrel S500 Programmable Logical Controller using u-Link NT in BDMPPC mode.

The main components on the PCB are :

1 x Freescale MPC850 PowerQUICC CPU

2 x ST Microelectronics M29W160EB flash memory


1 x Samsung K4S643232H-UC60 DRAM

There is a 10 pin BDM port at the back of the PCB, I've checked the MPC850 pinout in the documentation related to BDM for this CPU and it matches the pinout for BDMPPC mode (the same used on an DVG-1120 target).

I've tested to detect this target but the flash memory doesn't seems to be recognized (because there is two flash modules ?).

The same value is always returned just before the flash detection fails : IMMR FFF02101 (Internal Memory Map Register, I suppose it's the address for this register).

Although, it seems that I can read registers.

I've also tried to browse memory using the search command but the only value that I can see is 7FFFFFFF at every addresses (I've also tried to search around the IMMR address but same thing, 7FFFFFFF everywhere).

I've tried all speed modes but it doesn't changes anything.

Is there a way to handle two flash memory chips with u-Link NT ? I've seen there is commands (ex : flshdcth) that can handle two flash chips, how do I configure my target to handle two flash modules ?

I've used DVG-1120 target configuration to troubleshoot connection with this target, is there specific configuration that I need to specify in my target XML configuration ?
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Re: [u-Link NT] - Freescale MPC850 - PLC

Post by usbbdm »

I have never worked on TWO flash on MPC850 target. It is certainly possible but I might need to have one in hand to add support to it.
Based on what you have found so far it is definitely possible to support it since the dialog between u-link NT and target is already established.
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