Here you can put bug report of USB JTAG/BDM or features or device you want to support. Please submit wish list only. Other topics will moved out from this forum
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Post by Computerbastler »

can you support the dsp chip interface is OnCE/JTAG-Interface

I would like to extract the internal memory from one

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Post by usbbdm »

I do not think it is worth the time to develop this feature.
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Post by Computerbastler »

t's a shame it would have been useful for repairing the sound cards as many people from the machine community would be helped if the memory contents came to see how later firmware can be reinstalled in the chip serial tabs but first you have to go to DSP firmware to disassemble it
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Post by Computerbastler »

usbbdm wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 11:10 am I do not think it is worth the time to develop this feature.
How much would it cost to retrofit the protocol for your work?

qausi to extrackt boot rom and tsop56 memory https://www.ebay.de/itm/294843610527 this card

have scann bank pcb
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Post by Computerbastler »

have found
Interfacing Flash Memory with the
DSP56300 Family of Digital Signal


the flasch chips is a TE28F320J3C
Last edited by Computerbastler on Fri Aug 16, 2024 3:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Computerbastler »

DSP56300 JTAG Examples


Boot rom adress is 0xFFF000 to 0xFFFFC0 found on maping can extracktion code ?
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Post by Computerbastler »

have found more information

-- M O T O R O L A S S D T J T A G S O F T W A R E
-- BSDL File Generated: Sun Aug 16 10:48:15 1998
-- Revision History:
entity DSP56364 is
generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "TQFP100");
port ( TCK: in bit;
TMS: in bit;
TDI: in bit;
TDO: out bit;
MODD: in bit;
MODB: in bit;
MODA: in bit;
FST: inout bit;
FSR: inout bit;
SCKT: inout bit;
SCKR: inout bit;
SVCC: linkage bit_vector(0 to 2);
SGND: linkage bit_vector(0 to 2);
HCKT: inout bit;
QVCCL: linkage bit_vector(0 to 3);
QGND: linkage bit_vector(0 to 3);
HCKR: inout bit;
SDO0: inout bit;
QVCCH: linkage bit_vector(0 to 3);
SDO1: inout bit;
SDOI23: inout bit;
SD0I32: inout bit;
SDOI41: inout bit;
SDOI50: inout bit;
SS_N: in bit;
MOSI: inout bit;
SDA: inout bit;
SCK: inout bit;
HREQ_N: inout bit;
NMI_N: in bit;
RESET_N: in bit;
PVCC: linkage bit;
PCAP: linkage bit;
PGND: linkage bit;
EXTAL: in bit;
TA_N: in bit;
CAS_N: out bit;
WR_N: out bit;
RD_N: out bit;
CVCC: linkage bit;
CGND: linkage bit;
AA1: out bit;
AA0: out bit;
A: out bit_vector(0 to 17);
AGND: linkage bit_vector(0 to 3);
AVCC: linkage bit_vector(0 to 3);
DVCC: linkage bit;
DGND: linkage bit;
GPIO: inout bit_vector(0 to 3);
R: linkage bit_vector(1 to 4);
D: inout bit_vector(0 to 7));
use STD_1149_1_1994.all;
attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of DSP56364 : entity is "STD_1149_1_1993";
attribute PIN_MAP of DSP56364 : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;
constant TQFP100 : PIN_MAP_STRING :=
"MODD: 1, " &
"MODB: 2, " &
"MODA: 3, " &
"FST: 4, " &
"FSR: 5, " &
"SCKT: 6, " &
"SCKR: 7, " &
"SVCC: (8, 21, 92), " &
"SGND: (9, 22, 93), " &
"HCKT: 10, " &
"QVCCL: (11, 37, 66, 87), " &
"QGND: (12, 36, 65, 88), " &
"HCKR: 13, " &
"SDO0: 14, " &
"QVCCH: (15, 35, 61, 89), " &
"SDO1: 16, " &
"SDOI23: 17, " &
"SD0I32: 18, " &
"SDOI41: 19, " &
"SDOI50: 20, " &
"SS_N: 23, " &
"MOSI: 24, " &
"SDA: 25, " &
"SCK: 26, " &
"HREQ_N: 27, " &
"NMI_N: 28, " &
"RESET_N: 29, " &
"R: (30, 85, 86, 90), " &
"PVCC: 31, " &
"PCAP: 32, " &
"PGND: 33, " &
"EXTAL: 34, " &
"TA_N: 38, " &
"CAS_N: 39, " &
"WR_N: 40, " &
"RD_N: 41, " &
"CVCC: 42, " &
"CGND: 43, " &
"AA1: 44, " &
"AA0: 45, " &
"A: (46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 67, 68, 69, 70,
73, 74), " &
"AVCC: (48, 55, 63, 71), " &
"AGND: (49, 56, 64, 72), " &
"D: (75, 76, 77, 78, 81, 82, 83, 84), " &
"DVCC: 79, " &
"DGND: 80, " &
"GPIO: (91, 94, 95, 96), " &
"TDO: 97, " &
"TDI: 98, " &
"TCK: 99, " &
"TMS: 100 ";
attribute TAP_SCAN_IN of TDI : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT of TDO : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE of TMS : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK : signal is (20.0e6, BOTH);
attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of DSP56364 : entity is 4;
attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of DSP56364 : entity is
"EXTEST (0000)," &
"SAMPLE (0001)," &
"IDCODE (0010)," &
"CLAMP (0011)," &
"HIGHZ (0100)," &
"ONCE_ENABLE (0110)," &
"DEBUG_REQUEST(0111)," &
"BYPASS (1111)";
attribute INSTRUCTION_CAPTURE of DSP56364 : entity is "0001";
attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of DSP56364 : entity is
"0000" & -- version
"000110" & -- manufacturer’s use
"0001100100" & -- sequence number
"00000001110" & -- manufacturer identity
"1"; -- 1149.1 requirement
attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of DSP56364 : entity is
attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of DSP56364 : entity is 86;
attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of DSP56364 : entity is
-- num cell port func safe [ccell dis rslt]
"0 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"1 (BC_6, GPIO(3), bidir, X, 0, 1, Z)," &
"2 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"3 (BC_6, GPIO(2), bidir, X, 2, 1, Z)," &
"4 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"5 (BC_6, GPIO(1), bidir, X, 4, 1, Z)," &
"6 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"7 (BC_6, GPIO(0), bidir, X, 6, 1, Z)," &
"8 (BC_6, D(7), bidir, X, 12, 1, Z)," &
"9 (BC_6, D(6), bidir, X, 12, 1, Z)," &
"10 (BC_6, D(5), bidir, X, 12, 1, Z)," &
"11 (BC_6, D(4), bidir, X, 12, 1, Z)," &
"12 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"13 (BC_6, D(3), bidir, X, 12, 1, Z)," &
"14 (BC_6, D(2), bidir, X, 12, 1, Z)," &
"15 (BC_6, D(1), bidir, X, 12, 1, Z)," &
"16 (BC_6, D(0), bidir, X, 12, 1, Z)," &
"17 (BC_1, A(17), output3, X, 23, 1, Z)," &
"18 (BC_1, A(16), output3, X, 23, 1, Z)," &
"19 (BC_1, A(15), output3, X, 23, 1, Z)," &
-- num cell port func safe [ccell dis rslt]
"20 (BC_1, A(14), output3, X, 23, 1, Z)," &
"21 (BC_1, A(13), output3, X, 23, 1, Z)," &
"22 (BC_1, A(12), output3, X, 23, 1, Z)," &
"23 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"24 (BC_1, A(11), output3, X, 23, 1, Z)," &
"25 (BC_1, A(10), output3, X, 23, 1, Z)," &
"26 (BC_1, A(9), output3, X, 23, 1, Z)," &
"27 (BC_1, A(8), output3, X, 29, 1, Z)," &
"28 (BC_1, A(7), output3, X, 29, 1, Z)," &
"29 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"30 (BC_1, A(6), output3, X, 29, 1, Z)," &
"31 (BC_1, A(5), output3, X, 29, 1, Z)," &
"32 (BC_1, A(4), output3, X, 29, 1, Z)," &
"33 (BC_1, A(3), output3, X, 29, 1, Z)," &
"34 (BC_1, A(2), output3, X, 29, 1, Z)," &
"35 (BC_1, A(1), output3, X, 29, 1, Z)," &
"36 (BC_1, A(0), output3, X, 29, 1, Z)," &
"37 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"38 (BC_1, AA0, output3, X, 37, 1, Z)," &
"39 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
-- num cell port func safe [ccell dis rslt]
"40 (BC_1, AA1, output3, X, 39, 1, Z)," &
"41 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"42 (BC_1, RD_N, output3, X, 41, 1, Z)," &
"43 (BC_1, WR_N, output3, X, 41, 1, Z)," &
"44 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"45 (BC_1, CAS_N, output3, X, 44, 1, Z)," &
"46 (BC_1, TA_N, input, X)," &
"47 (BC_1, EXTAL, input, X)," &
"48 (BC_1, RESET_N, input, X)," &
"49 (BC_1, NMI_N, input, X)," &
"50 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"51 (BC_6, HREQ_N, bidir, X, 50, 1, Z)," &
"52 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"53 (BC_6, SCK, bidir, X, 52, 1, Z)," &
"54 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"55 (BC_6, SDA, bidir, X, 54, 1, Z)," &
"56 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"57 (BC_6, MOSI, bidir, X, 56, 1, Z)," &
"58 (BC_1, SS_N, input, X)," &
"59 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
-- num cell port func safe [ccell dis rslt]
"60 (BC_6, SDOI50, bidir, X, 59, 1, Z)," &
"61 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"62 (BC_6, SDOI41, bidir, X, 61, 1, Z)," &
"63 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"64 (BC_6, SD0I32, bidir, X, 63, 1, Z)," &
"65 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"66 (BC_6, SDOI23, bidir, X, 65, 1, Z)," &
"67 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"68 (BC_6, SDO1, bidir, X, 67, 1, Z)," &
"69 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"70 (BC_6, SDO0, bidir, X, 69, 1, Z)," &
"71 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"72 (BC_6, HCKR, bidir, X, 71, 1, Z)," &
"73 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"74 (BC_6, HCKT, bidir, X, 73, 1, Z)," &
"75 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"76 (BC_6, SCKR, bidir, X, 75, 1, Z)," &
"77 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"78 (BC_6, SCKT, bidir, X, 77, 1, Z)," &
"79 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
-- num cell port func safe [ccell dis rslt]
"80 (BC_6, FSR, bidir, X, 79, 1, Z)," &
"81 (BC_1, *, control, 1)," &
"82 (BC_6, FST, bidir, X, 81, 1, Z)," &
"83 (BC_1, MODA, input, X)," &
"84 (BC_1, MODB, input, X)," &
"85 (BC_1, MODD, input, X)";
end DSP56364;
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Post by Computerbastler »

could it be the JTAG56
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Post by Computerbastler »

Copyright (C) 2010-2025
u-Link NT 1.63
-speed 0
IDCODE 0186401D
Motorola Part NotFound 1864
IMPCODE 00000000
EJTAG V1, V2.0
DMA supoorte
Unbekannter Flash Typ
Report diese Werte http://www.usbjtag.com/phpbb3 0000h,0000h
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Post by Computerbastler »

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Post by Computerbastler »

big problem is

Copyright (C) 2010-2025
u-Link NT 1.63
-speed 0
IDCODE 0186401D
Motorola Part NotFound 1864
IMPCODE 00000000
EJTAG V1, V2.0
DMA supoorte
Unbekannter Flash Typ
Report diese Werte http://www.usbjtag.com/phpbb3 0000h,0000h

The Chip ist DSP856364AF100 and flash is this JS28F640J3D or this JS28F320J3D

DSP56364 Memory Mapping:

Program ROM:
Address Range: 0x00000000 to 0x00002000
Size: 8 KB
Bootstrap ROM:
Address Range: 0x000000C0 to 0x00000180
Size: 192 bytes
Y-Data RAM:
Address Range: 0x00008000 to 0x00008600
Size: 1.5 KB
X-Data RAM:
Address Range: 0x00010000 to 0x00010400
Size: 1 KB
Program RAM:
Address Range: 0x80000000 to 0x80002000
Size: 8 KB
Flash Memory (External):
Address Range: 0x9FC00000 to 0xA0000000
Size: 4 MB or 8 MB
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Post by Computerbastler »

lol USB NT not wokking cheap jtag its woking for extrackt rom @usbbdm not will support :shock: this chip its schit


It's a shame that now there are customers who didn't want to buy a USB NT and said they would have bought it, but if not, admin doesn't want to
Many people wanted to avoid buying the stick, but now you can forget about it if you can get it with a cheap 10€
Sadly, I thought the stick was really good just because admin is so stubborn. It would have been much nicer if the USB NT could do a lot more things, so the product is getting better and better, but there doesn't seem to be any interest in it

this its woking

Open On-Chip Debugger 0.12.0
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
srst_only separate srst_gates_jtag srst_open_drain connect_deassert_srst

Info : auto-selecting first available session transport "jtag". To override use 'transport select <transport>'.
Warn : dsp56364.cpu: nonstandard IR mask
Info : Listening on port 6666 for tcl connections
Info : Listening on port 4444 for telnet connections
Info : Buspirate JTAG Interface ready!
Info : This adapter doesn't support configurable speed
Info : JTAG tap: dsp56364.cpu tap/device found: 0x0186401d (mfg: 0x00e (Freescale (Motorola)), part: 0x1864, ver: 0x0)
Info : DSP56100 device found
Info : starting gdb server for dsp56364.cpu on 3333
Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections
> dsp56364.cpu mdwp 0x0 0x200
0x00000000: 000bf080 0000000c 000bf080 00000006 00000200 0000000c 0000000c 00ffffff
0x00000020: 00ffffff 00ffffff 000bf080 00000024 0008f4b9 00d00411 0008f4b8 00d80515
0x00000040: 0008f4b7 00000000 0008f4b6 00000000 0008f4ba 00000000 0005f43a 00004080
0x00000060: 0005f439 00c00300 000af080 0000001c 0008f4bb 003f03ff 0008f4bd 00040009
0x00000080: 0067f400 00000001 000bf080 000000e8 00205f00 00666700 00055f66 000466a7
0x000000a0: 00535f00 00415f00 00525f00 00406700 00200013 00567000 00000104 0057f000
0x000000c0: 00000105 0020000b 0005240a 0001bda0 00000061 00567000 00000102 000a7000
0x000000e0: 00000103 000a7002 00000103 00050c46 0001498d 00052412 0066f000 00000103
0x00000100: 000ad620 00000049 0001bda0 00000047 000a7023 00000103 00050c03 000a7022
0x00000120: 00000103 000456a7 00667000 00000105 000a7024 00000103 00050c13 0066f000
0x00000140: 00000103 000ad620 00000061 00044fdd 000c1891 00001018 00212f00 0001418d
0x00000160: 00052403 000a7028 00000102 0057f000 00000102 0000feb9 0020002f 00557000
0x00000180: 00000102 0066f000 00000105 00205e00 00667000 00000105 0040d700 0052d700
0x000001a0: 0041d700 0053d700 0005e766 0066d700 00000004 0057f000 00000106 0020000b
0x000001c0: 0005a403 00013d09 00050c02 00013d29 0057f000 00000106 0020000b 003e0000
0x000001e0: 00052402 003e0100 00767000 00000106 0000000c 00356000 006d7000 00d00000
0x00000200: 003cd000 007c7000 00d00000 00000203 0000008c 005ef000 00d00001 000bcc67
0x00000220: 00000000 00000218 00000000 00000000 00000000 0032ff00 006a7000 00d00000
0x00000240: 00218e00 0000000c 0008f48d 00000000 0008f4b9 00d00425 00356000 006d7000
0x00000260: 00d00000 003c0100 007c7000 00d00000 00000203 000000a5 005ef000 00d00001
0x00000280: 000bcc67 00000000 00000218 00000000 00000000 00000000 0032ff00 006a7000
0x000002a0: 00d00000 0008f4b9 00d00421 00218e00 0000000c 000c1ea2 00547000 00000101
0x000002c0: 0057f000 00000101 000c1891 0000102a 00212f00 002b0000 0001418d 00052403
0x000002e0: 000ab934 00050c02 000ab914 0057f000 00000101 000c1891 0000402c 0008c90d
0x00000300: 0055f000 00000101 000140ce 000fffff 0021bc00 00747000 00000101 00292000
0x00000320: 0064f400 00d00000 00596c00 0075f000 00000101 0036d000 00229500 006e6d00
0x00000340: 00050b1d 0061f400 00d00000 00000203 000000e3 00060fa0 00000000 0057f000
0x00000360: 00000101 0021b900 00044916 0021bd00 00223500 005eed00 000bcc67 00000000
0x00000380: 00000218 00000000 00000000 00000000 003eff00 007e6600 00218e00 0000000c
0x000003a0: 00040727 000bf080 0000019e 00013d22 00360100 00667000 00000106 0020001b
0x000003c0: 00577000 00000103 00577000 00000102 00577000 00000105 00577000 00000104
0x000003e0: 0003ffcf 00360000 000b7796 00ffffff 0008f4b9 00d00421 00013d01 003cff00
0x00000400: 0064f400 00d00000 003e5000 0057f000 00000103 000c1891 0000101a 00360100
0x00000420: 00212f00 002b0000 0001418d 000524ca 0003ffff 0020000b 00052414 0057f000
0x00000440: 00000102 000140cd 000000ff 00052406 00013d02 00060fa0 00000000 000a7796
0x00000460: 00ffffff 0056f000 00000102 000140c5 000000fd 00052496 000b7796 00ffffff
0x00000480: 00013d21 00050c92 00013d01 0057f000 00000102 000140ce 0000007f 00557000
0x000004a0: 00000107 00014188 00557000 00000107 00667000 00000106 00050a8f 00050ac3
0x000004c0: 00360100 000a7002 00000103 0022ce00 00050c1f 0057f000 00000103 000c1891
0x000004e0: 0000101a 00212f00 002b0000 0001418d 0005240a 0057f000 00000102 000140cd
0x00000500: 000000fd 00052405 00000084 000500bb 000af080 00ff0028 00546700 00050ac6
0x00000520: 00017d21 00290000 00058402 00290100 00044ddd 000c1931 00001019 0004cddd
0x00000540: 00360100 0056e700 00014180 0046f000 00000107 00200055 0005979f 00013d02
0x00000560: 00060fa0 00000000 00013d29 0074f000 00000101 0064f400 00d00000 003e5000
0x00000580: 007e6c00 0075f000 00000101 003cff00 00229500 007c6d00 000500bb 0062f400
0x000005a0: 00d00620 00300000 0061f400 00000000 002c0000 00547000 00ffffcd 0050f400
0x000005c0: 00000200 000af080 00ff0032 000a7002 00000103 0057f000 00000104 00014188
0x000005e0: 00557000 00000104 000140cd 0001ffff 0005f40c 000bf080 0000006d 0020001b
0x00000600: 00577000 00000104 00577000 00000102 00577000 00000105 00577000 00000103
0x00000620: 0003ffdf 0020000b 003cff00 0064f400 00d00000 003e5000 0005a6d5 000500bb
0x00000640: 0062f400 00d20006 00300000 0061f400 00000001 002c0000 00547000 00ffffcd
0x00000660: 0050f400 00000200 000af080 00ff0032 00043fe7 0000000c 000003f8 0008f4bd
0x00000680: 00040008 0008f4be 00000000 0008f4bf 00000000 0000fcb8 000afa6e 000af94d
0x000006a0: 0008f48f 00000000 0008f48e 0000000f 0008f48d 00000000 0007f43e 00000346
0x000006c0: 0007f43f 00000089 0007f43d 00000002 0008f4bb 001fffff 0008f4b9 00d00421
0x000006e0: 0008f4b8 00d80525 00013d29 00200013 0020001b 0000000c 00000000 00ffffff
0x00000700: 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff
0x00000720: 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff
0x00000740: 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff
0x00000760: 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff
0x00000780: 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff
0x000007a0: 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff
0x000007c0: 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff
0x000007e0: 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff 00ffffff

kann close thread .... not good for USB JTAG not will suport this not god for my :oops:
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Post by usbbdm »

Never touched this chip.
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Post by Computerbastler »

If there is a developed interface for the stick or the possibility of using it in open OCD, I would upgrade the chip myself
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Post by Computerbastler »

I can also put a PC there for you to connect and you can have fun there if you want
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